What is The Clubhouse Fire Formula?

Fire is a brand new ClickBank male enhancement supplement offer for men that made over $300k in sales it's very first month. Created by former Award Winning Porn Star Stirling Cooper, Fire is designed to increase a man's Sex-Drive, and reduce his Recovery Times. Allowing him to BANG again and again - just like a Porn Star.

The Formula is based on the exact nutrients Stirling took to power his Porn Career.

Target Audience: Any man - single, dating or in a long term relationship - who wants to improve his Sex-Drive, enjoy a lot MORE Sex and make any woman obsessed him in bed.

Sales Pitch / Angle: To keep a woman completely happy in the bedroom, you have to SATISFY her. And SATISFY her often. Fire allows men to do this.

“Supercharge your Sex-Drive, Slash your Recovery Times, and BANG like a Porn Star, making ANY woman addicted to you in bed.”

Fire also makes some men “Multi-Orgasmic” - which makes the offer even more irresistible.

Front-end product: $59 to $234

Upsell #1: $49.00 to $174 depending on the qty they order (more of the same). Converts at 20%

Upsell #2: $59 to $234 depending on whether they order 3 or 6 bottles (Male Enhancement Supplement). Converts at 11%

AOV: $198

Commission: 40% on the front end, both upsells and the downsell. Happy to negotiate higher commissions if you can drive significant volume.

Why Should You Promote It?

  • Sales copy written by a top copywriter with specific expertise in this niche
  • Proven sales copy
  • Proven funnel
  • Entire funnel is mobile optimized
  • The product is “the real deal” - it has changed the life of thousands of men. Upsells are extremely powerful - giving men a real performance edge in the bedroom
  • Over $2 EPC average so far
  • Affiliates earn 40% commissions on the front end, and 40% on the upsells/downsells. And with an AOV of over $198, earnings per sale can get really high (many times you’ll earn over $100 per sale)
  • Very low refund rate, almost nonexistent chargeback rate - because the product and upsells are excellent, and customer service is best in the industry (we offer our customers email and phone support, 363 days a year, 20 hours a day)